Sveto pismo
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Zakladi Svetega pisma

Zbirka svetopisemskih navedkov, ki so razvrščeni po različnih temah

  • Kliknite na tematski sklop, da se vam razpre seznam tem, na katere je razčlenjen.
  • Potem kliknite na posamezno temo in izpisala se vam bodo svetopisemska besedila, ki govorijo o njej.
Besedilo iz:  SSP  EKU  CHR Razširi vse

1. Večni Bog in njegovo stvarstvo
2. Božje izvoljeno ljudstvo Izrael
3. Odnos do Boga in doživljanje Boga v Stari zavezi
4. Življenjska modrost v Stari zavezi
5. Jezus Kristus, Božji Sin
6. Sveti Duh in njegovo delo
7. Božja beseda in molitev
8. Pričevanje in oznanjanje
9. V stiskah
10. Kristjanova pot skozi svet
11. Jezusova Cerkev
11.1. Gospod Cerkve
11.2. Poslanstvo Cerkve
11.3. Sestava Cerkve
11.4. Namen Cerkve
11.5. Enotnost Cerkve
I have other sheep that are not in this sheep pen. I must bring them together too, when they hear my voice. Then there will be one flock of sheep and one shepherd.
Jn 17,20-21
I am not praying just for these followers. I am also praying for everyone else who will have faith because of what my followers will say about me. I want all of them to be one with each other, just as I am one with you and you are one with me. I also want them to be one with us. Then the people of this world will believe that you sent me.
I have honored my followers in the same way that you honored me, in order that they may be one with each other, just as we are one.
Rim 12,4-5
A body is made up of many parts, and each of them has its own use. That's how it is with us. There are many of us, but we each are part of the body of Christ, as well as part of one another.
And the mystery is this: Because of Christ Jesus, the good news has given the Gentiles a share in the promises that God gave to the Jews. God has also let the Gentiles be part of the same body.
Ef 4,3-4
Try your best to let God's Spirit keep your hearts united. Do this by living at peace. All of you are part of the same body. There is only one Spirit of God, just as you were given one hope when you were chosen to be God's people.
All of you are part of the same body. There is only one Spirit of God, just as you were given one hope when you were chosen to be God's people.
Ef 4,5-6
We have only one Lord, one faith, and one baptism. There is one God who is the Father of all people. Not only is God above all others, but he works by using all of us, and he lives in all of us.
11.6. Zbiranje v Cerkvi
11.7. Čut za skupnost Jezusove Cerkve
11.8. Ljubezen kot temelj skupnosti verujočih
11.9. O miru in razprtijah
11.10. Močni in šibki
11.11. Gospodova večerja
11.12. Porazdelitev bremen
11.13. Sožitje starih in mladih
11.14. Darovi Duha
11.15. Položaji in službe
11.16. Nevarnosti
12. Bogastvo upanja Božjih otrok in poslednje stvari

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