Sveto pismo
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Zakladi Svetega pisma

Zbirka svetopisemskih navedkov, ki so razvrščeni po različnih temah

  • Kliknite na tematski sklop, da se vam razpre seznam tem, na katere je razčlenjen.
  • Potem kliknite na posamezno temo in izpisala se vam bodo svetopisemska besedila, ki govorijo o njej.
Besedilo iz:  SSP  EKU  CHR Razširi vse

1. Večni Bog in njegovo stvarstvo
2. Božje izvoljeno ljudstvo Izrael
2.1. Izraelova izvoljenost in poklicanost
2.2. Deset zapovedi (reformirano štetje)
2.2.1. Prva zapoved
I am the Lord your God, the one who brought you out of Egypt where you were slaves. Do not worship any god except me.
The Lord will be angry if you worship other gods, and he can be like a fire destroying everything in its path.
So love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and strength.
Elijah stood in front of them and said, “How much longer will you try to have things both ways? If the Lord is God, worship him! But if Baal is God, worship him!” The people did not say a word.
(A psalm by David for the music leader. Use stringed instruments.) You are my God and protector. Please answer my prayer. I was in terrible distress, but you set me free. Now have pity and listen as I pray.
and I have said, “Only you are my Lord! Every good thing I have is a gift from you.”
Ps 44,21-22
You would have known it because you discover every secret thought. We face death all day for you. We are like sheep on their way to be slaughtered.
Prg 3,5-6
With all your heart you must trust the Lord and not your own judgment. Always let him lead you, and he will clear the road for you to follow.
I, the Lord All-Powerful, have something to say to you priests. Children respect their fathers, and servants respect their masters. I am your father and your master, so why don't you respect me? You priests have insulted me, and now you ask, “How did we insult you?”
Jesus answered, “The Scriptures also say, ‘Don't try to test the Lord your God!’ ”
2.2.2. Druga zapoved
2.2.3. Tretja zapoved
2.2.4. Četrta zapoved
2.2.5. Peta zapoved
2.2.6. Šesta zapoved
2.2.7. Sedma zapoved
2.2.8. Osma zapoved
2.2.9. Deveta zapoved
2.2.10. Deseta zapoved
2.3. Božja določila za njegovo ljudstvo
3. Odnos do Boga in doživljanje Boga v Stari zavezi
4. Življenjska modrost v Stari zavezi
5. Jezus Kristus, Božji Sin
6. Sveti Duh in njegovo delo
7. Božja beseda in molitev
8. Pričevanje in oznanjanje
9. V stiskah
10. Kristjanova pot skozi svet
11. Jezusova Cerkev
12. Bogastvo upanja Božjih otrok in poslednje stvari

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Zadnja sprememba programa: 4-7-2020