Sveto pismo
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Zakladi Svetega pisma

Zbirka svetopisemskih navedkov, ki so razvrščeni po različnih temah

  • Kliknite na tematski sklop, da se vam razpre seznam tem, na katere je razčlenjen.
  • Potem kliknite na posamezno temo in izpisala se vam bodo svetopisemska besedila, ki govorijo o njej.
Besedilo iz:  SSP  EKU  CHR Razširi vse

1. Večni Bog in njegovo stvarstvo
2. Božje izvoljeno ljudstvo Izrael
2.1. Izraelova izvoljenost in poklicanost
2.2. Deset zapovedi (reformirano štetje)
2.2.1. Prva zapoved
2.2.2. Druga zapoved
Do not make idols that look like anything in the sky or on earth or in the ocean under the earth. Don't bow down and worship idols. I am the Lord your God, and I demand all your love. If you reject me, I will punish your families for three or four generations.
Iz 8,19
Someone may say to you, “Go to the fortunetellers who make soft chirping sounds or ask the spirits of the dead. After all, a nation ought to be able to ask its own gods
Iz 47,13-14
You have worn yourself out, asking for advice from those who study the stars and tell the future month after month. Go ask them how to be saved from what will happen. People who trust the stars are as helpless as straw in a flaming fire. No one can even keep warm, sitting by a fire that feeds only on straw.
Don't follow the customs of those nations who become frightened when they see something strange happen in the sky.
What can you learn from idols covered with silver or gold? They can't even breathe. Pity anyone who says to an idol of wood or stone, “Get up and do something!”
Mt 4,10
Jesus answered, “Go away Satan! The Scriptures say: ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve only him.’ ”
2.2.3. Tretja zapoved
2.2.4. Četrta zapoved
2.2.5. Peta zapoved
2.2.6. Šesta zapoved
2.2.7. Sedma zapoved
2.2.8. Osma zapoved
2.2.9. Deveta zapoved
2.2.10. Deseta zapoved
2.3. Božja določila za njegovo ljudstvo
3. Odnos do Boga in doživljanje Boga v Stari zavezi
4. Življenjska modrost v Stari zavezi
5. Jezus Kristus, Božji Sin
6. Sveti Duh in njegovo delo
7. Božja beseda in molitev
8. Pričevanje in oznanjanje
9. V stiskah
10. Kristjanova pot skozi svet
11. Jezusova Cerkev
12. Bogastvo upanja Božjih otrok in poslednje stvari

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