Sveto pismo
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Zakladi Svetega pisma

Zbirka svetopisemskih navedkov, ki so razvrščeni po različnih temah

  • Kliknite na tematski sklop, da se vam razpre seznam tem, na katere je razčlenjen.
  • Potem kliknite na posamezno temo in izpisala se vam bodo svetopisemska besedila, ki govorijo o njej.
Besedilo iz:  SSP  EKU  CHR Razširi vse

1. Večni Bog in njegovo stvarstvo
1.1. Božje bistvo
1.1.1. Nespremenljivi
1.1.2. Sveti
1.1.3. Veličastni
1.1.4. Večni
1.1.5. Nevidni
1.1.6. Vseprisotni
1.1.7. Modri
1.1.8. Vsevedni
But the Lord told him, “Samuel, don't think Eliab is the one just because he's tall and handsome. He isn't the one I've chosen. People judge others by what they look like, but I judge people by what is in their hearts.”
We face death all day for you. We are like sheep on their way to be slaughtered.
God gave us ears and eyes! Can't he hear and see?
The Lord knows how useless our plans really are.
(A psalm by David for the music leader.) The Lord Is Always Near You have looked deep into my heart, Lord, and you know all about me.
If the Lord can see everything in the world of the dead, he can see in our hearts.
But the God who rules from heaven can explain mysteries. And while you were sleeping, he showed you what will happen in the future.
“You explain deep mysteries, because even the dark is light to you.
1.1.9. Vsemogočni
1.1.10. Vladar
1.1.11. Pravični
1.1.12. Zvesti in usmiljeni
1.1.13. Božji služabniki in poslanci
1.2. Božje stvarstvo
2. Božje izvoljeno ljudstvo Izrael
3. Odnos do Boga in doživljanje Boga v Stari zavezi
4. Življenjska modrost v Stari zavezi
5. Jezus Kristus, Božji Sin
6. Sveti Duh in njegovo delo
7. Božja beseda in molitev
8. Pričevanje in oznanjanje
9. V stiskah
10. Kristjanova pot skozi svet
11. Jezusova Cerkev
12. Bogastvo upanja Božjih otrok in poslednje stvari

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Zadnja sprememba programa: 4-7-2020