Sveto pismo
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Zakladi Svetega pisma

Zbirka svetopisemskih navedkov, ki so razvrščeni po različnih temah

  • Kliknite na tematski sklop, da se vam razpre seznam tem, na katere je razčlenjen.
  • Potem kliknite na posamezno temo in izpisala se vam bodo svetopisemska besedila, ki govorijo o njej.
Besedilo iz:  SSP  EKU  CHR Razširi vse

1. Večni Bog in njegovo stvarstvo
2. Božje izvoljeno ljudstvo Izrael
3. Odnos do Boga in doživljanje Boga v Stari zavezi
4. Življenjska modrost v Stari zavezi
4.1. Človek - njegovo bistvo in početje
4.2. Človek v svoji minljivosti
4.3. Življenjska obdobja
4.3.1. Mladost
4.3.2. Starost
4.3.3. Mož in žena
4.3.4. Starši in otroci
4.3.5. Življenjska radost
4.3.6. Življenjska stiska
4.3.7. Delo naših rok
4.3.8. Bogastvo in revščina
4.3.9. Zavist
4.3.10. Lenoba in marljivost
4.3.11. Pohlep in skromnost
4.3.12. Sovraštvo in ljubezen
4.3.13. Ošabnost in ponižnost
4.3.14. Laž in resnica
Have pity, Lord! Heal me, so I can pay them back.
Ps 55,13-15
But it was my closest friend, the one I trusted most. We enjoyed being together, and we went with others to your house, our God. All who hate me are controlled by the power of evil. Sentence them to death and send them down alive to the world of the dead.
Ps 57,7-8
I am faithful to you, and you can trust me. I will sing and play music for you, my God. I feel wide awake! I will wake up my harp and wake up the sun.
God gives helpful advice to everyone who obeys him and protects all of those who live as they should.
Never tell lies or be deceitful in what you say.
An honest person tells the truth in court, but a dishonest person tells nothing but lies.
Gossip is no good! It causes hard feelings and comes between friends.
There's nothing so delicious as the taste of gossip! It melts in your mouth.
Everyone likes to brag about getting a bargain.
Prg 23,6-7
Don't accept an invitation to eat a selfish person's food, no matter how good it is. People like that take note of how much you eat. They say, “Take all you want!” But they don't mean it.
Hiding hateful thoughts behind smooth talk is like coating a clay pot with a cheap glaze.
If you dig a pit, you will fall in; if you start a stone rolling, it will roll back on you.
Flattery is nothing less than setting a trap.
I did learn one thing: We were completely honest when God created us, but now we have twisted minds.
Iz 5,18
You are in for trouble! The lies you tell are like ropes by which you drag along sin and evil.
People of Judah, I, the Lord, demand that whenever you go without food as a way of worshiping me, it should become a time of celebration. No matter if it's the fourth month, the fifth month, the seventh month, or the tenth month, you should have a joyful festival. So love truth and live at peace.
4.3.15. Strah pred človekom in zaupanje v Boga
4.3.16. Maščevalnost in škodoželjnost
4.3.17. Posmehljivost
4.3.18. Pijanstvo in požrešnost
4.3.19. Trdosrčnost in usmiljenje
4.3.20. Nestrpnost in potrpežljivost
4.3.21. Nezvestoba in stanovitnost
4.3.22. Jeza in blagost
4.3.23. Razpuščenost in vzgoja
4.4. O govorjenju in molčanju
4.5. O prepirljivosti in miroljubnosti
4.6. O pravici in krivici
4.7. O narodih in vladarstvih
4.8. Modrost in norost
5. Jezus Kristus, Božji Sin
6. Sveti Duh in njegovo delo
7. Božja beseda in molitev
8. Pričevanje in oznanjanje
9. V stiskah
10. Kristjanova pot skozi svet
11. Jezusova Cerkev
12. Bogastvo upanja Božjih otrok in poslednje stvari

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